Liceo Malpighi Career Service

Malpighi Career Service

The future is now

MALPIGHI’S CAREER SERVICE is a service that accompanies the students throughout their final three years of high school to help them on a journey of self discovery, understanding the world of higher education and their future work so that they may make an informed decision about their path post-high school.

It is a structured process that involves students, teachers, administrators and outside experts, such as university representatives and professionals.
This service was created after the reorganization of the PCTO (Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento) following the new ministerial guidelines in 2019 and it is organized into THREE MACRO AREAS. A large part of the hours included in this project are added to the total hours for the “Percorso per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento”.

The FIRST macro area includes all the activities that in the past were considered in the “Alternanza Scuola Lavoro,” or the internship. Now, students are asked to do crash courses, contests, internships and special projects. The goal is to expose students to different realities and try out their skills by exploring their talents and passions.

The SECOND is dedicated to all the activities focusing on orientation post-diploma. Students, services, tools, and specific courses are made available:
• Individual Counseling Services – i docenti tutor sono a disposizione degli studenti per colloqui orientativi e informativi negli ambiti di loro interesse sia per la scelta universitaria che del futuro lavorativo;
• Technical support from the non-teaching staff per la redazione del curriculum vitae e per le procedure di application alle università italiane ed estere;
• Meetings about the world of higher education
Presentation about academic and non-academic opportunities in Italy and abroad – Prof Maurizio Sobrero, UNIBO;
AlmaOrienta – participation in the open days at UNIBO;
A Dialogue with Luigi Ballerini, psychoanalyst and expert in orientation, on “criteria for choosing a university”.
• Courses to prepare for admissions tests – WORKSHOP curriculare IV anno
Courses of Logic and Mathematics, to prepare for the admissions tests – physics and math teachers;
General Culture Quizzes assist with the TOLC – Test OnLine CISIA – Test on line to enter in Italian university.
• Newsletter – a monthly newsletter to notify fourth and fifth year students about various opportunities such as: open days, informational sessions, one to one interviews and online visits to the most important Italian and international universities.
Malpighi Alumni – a community of former Malpighi students who are available to share their knowledge and experiences.
• Orientami – a digital program dedicated to orientation, created in 2019 by two graduates of PoliMI and supported by Harvard Innovation Labs.

The THIRD area is made up of experiences abroad:
•  Study period in our partner schools.
Participation in the most prestigious international summer schools.
• Work experience.
Digital exchanges.


